Friday, August 3, 2012

Child Marriage and Islam


  • Meaning and Expension
  • Origin of child marriage
Concept of child marriage in Islam:
Cultural influence:
conservative governments in Islamic countries:
  • Iran
  • Libia
  • Other countries
Child Marriage an un-Islamic culture:
  • wrongly described Hazrat Ayesha R.A 's marriage
  • Imam Abu Hanifa's point of view
Religion vs culture:
Final word concluding the statement:


Child is a boy or a girl who is not reaching his puberty age, so child marriage is actually the marrying of girl and a boy who both or one of them is not reaching their puberty age.Child marriage in different areas of the world is shaped as legal and in some countries it is declared as illegal and un Islamic.
There is nothing Islamic about chile marriage what all is quite un Islamic. Islam states marriage as a strong bond between man and woman and defines it as a covenant i-e a strong agreement between two. how can a child understand the demands and duties of being in relation rather a child could not even understand what covenant is. 
The origin of child marriage is totally cultural not Islamic.It is more influenced by the culture of different societies and then tried to merge in religion but the reasrch shows that child marriage is totally prohibited in Islam.
The recent  press released by Iranian Parliament 'Majlis' says that they regard the law that prohibits the girls under age 10 from being married off as un Islamic and illegal. In Iran more than 75% children were forced to marry with the man of older age this deemed very strange that how marrying the little children forcibly could be Islamic.In Iran After the Islamic revolution women started wearing 'Chadars' to show the soliderity with their Islamic Leaders but these women and their freedom was gradually snatched especially after the death of Ayatullah Khomeini who always believed in pursuation rather than coercion  . Post-Khomeini period tighten the liberty and freedom of women and conservative won.
Whenever conservatives win the most loss bearing community is women.
Likewise in Libia after the death of Gaddafi , conservative won and the first legislation they made was to lagislise the polygamy as their struggle was all about the lagislization of polygamy.
Coming back to the forced child marriages it is from no reason Quranic neither Islamic.Islamic values and norms are quite straight farward , there is nothing ambiguous in any rule and law as for as marriage issue is concerned Islam allows to marry a person when he/ she is reaching maturity level and got enough understanding and wiseness to coup with the problems which could rise in married life.Islam never bound the two people who are unable to understand the covenant of marriage.
It is described that Hazrat Ayesha R.A was married to Prophet PBUH when She was 7 years old and she was consummated when she was 9.
First thing is this Hadith is 300 years after the marriage of Hazrat Ayesha RA, secondly Islamic reasrcher have researched alot and found that it is false point of view and Ayesha RA was married to Prophet Muhammad PBUH at the age of 17 or 18 and She RA was consummated when She RA was 20 years old.

Imam Abu Hanifa permits the marriage of children reaching puberty or the age of understanding and if she/he is not willing for marriage could also reject the marriage and no guardian [mostly Father] is allowed to force the child to marry.
Culture is an important entity in making of any law. So , culture should be effected from religion not religion by culture.Thats is why most Islamic countries have made laws that only 18 and above 18 is the age of marriage and below this is illegle . Iranian Majlis should also consider this once again and chold marriage should b stopped.Women rights NGO's should also play their part in this regard.

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