Thursday, August 30, 2012



2.Different types of Extremism.
3.Characteristics of religious Extremism. 
4.Characteristics of Talibinazation. 
5.Difference between fundamentalism and extremism.
    a.Fundamentalism, rigid but focused on self correction.
    b.Extremism, rigid and cohersive but focused at forcefully molding behavior 
       of others.
6.Roots of Extremism in Pakistani society.
      a.Soviet war in Afghanistan
      b.Rise of Kalashnikov & Drugs culture.
7.Proxy wars of other Muslim countries been fought in Pakistan.
        a.Factors that gave rise to Talibinazation in Pakistan.
        b.Certain areas in Pakistan unchecked by the government.
        c.Inefficiency of law and order agencies to reduce arms and animations 
           in residential areas
        d.Governments unchecked the rise of Madarisa Culture. (no regulation)
        e.Lal Masjid Jamia Hafsa event. 
 8.Reasons of success of Extremism & Talibinazation in Pakistan
         a.Hopelessness and suppression in the Muslim world.
         b. Inability of the political system to deliver.
         c. People losing faith in current form of democracy prevalent in 
         d.Deficiency of social justice.
         f. Illiteracy and un-education
         g.Different education systems in one country.
         i.Improper investment in social sector and lack of attention on human  
 9.Consequences and impacts of extremism on our social and cultural 
          a.Deteriorating law and order situation and loosening of writ of the 
          b. Extremism giving birth to terrorism
          c. Threat to internal stability
          d. Culture giving birth to intolerance
          e.Increase in sectarian violence
          f.Social distress
10.Consequences of extremism on the economic environment of Pakistan.
          a.Flight of foreign investment due to environment not conducive for 
           b.Contraction in economic activity due to violence, strikes and  
           c.Sole breadwinners of families killed in terrorist attacks. 
 11.Extremism and Talibinazation causing very bad name to Image of 
     pakistan in outside world.
 12.Is military operation a solution to extremism? 
          a. Partly yes – in short term.
          b.Partly not – in long term.
  13. What is needed at Government level?
           o Formulation of policies to remove disparities at socioeconomic level.
           o Investment in social sector.
           o Government initiatives needed to uplift economic activities in  
              backward and war trodden areas.
           o Devise a mechanism for dialogue b/w different schools of thoughts  
              in the religion
           o Standardization of education & regulation Madarisas.
           o Active role of law enforcement agencies for reduction of arms and 
14.What is needed at private/ individual level?
            o Family is the basic unit for inculcating the norms and values in an 
            o Role of Ulema.
            o Role of intellectuals
            o Responsibility of the upper class and well off individuals toward 
               the poor.           


Thursday, August 16, 2012


Greenhouse warming has existed for quite some time, arguably since Earth was first formed. Greenhouse gases, or gases conducive to the greenhouse effect, act like a blanket or the panes of glass in a greenhouse's walls; they reflect the heat the earth would radiate into space back down towards the earth, holding it in. You see, the balance of heat on earth is maintained by different processes. Solar radiation approaches the earth, and clouds and the atmosphere reflect some of it back into space. More radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere, clouds, and the surface of the earth. Then the earth radiates the heat back as infrared radiation. To maintain a certain, constant temperature, the rate that Earth emits energy into space must equal the rate it absorbs the sun's energy. The greenhouse effect's refusal to allow a certain amount of this terrestrial radiation to pass keeps the Earth's average surface temperature at about 60°F (15°C). If there were no greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, most of the heat radiated by the Earth's surface would be lost directly to outer space, and the planet's temperature would be 0°F (-18°C), too cold for most forms of life (Greenhouse). 
There are several atmospheric gases that act as greenhouse gases (GHGs). The most infamous is carbon dioxide, which is emitted through the respiration of humans and animals, the burning of fossil fuel, deforestation, and other changes in land use. Carbon dioxide is the main focus of many greenhouse gas sanctions, since it is the greenhouse gas that has most been released into the atmosphere. However, some other gases may have a greater effect upon climate than CO2. If one examines research into the possible warming effect of other GHGs relative to CO2, one finds that over a 100-year period, there are gases present in far smaller amounts that have a much more concentrated effect. Methane, a gas produced by livestock (flatulence), oil and gas production, coal mining, solid waste, and wet rice agriculture, has 11 times more warming potential per volume than CO2 (Science), or 25 times more per molecule (Clarkson). Nitrous oxide, produced mainly in connection with current agricultural practices, has 270 times more warming potential per volume over this period than CO2 (Science). Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), the gases used as refrigerants and in aerosol spray dispensers that were banned some time back due to their ozone depletion potential, have 3400-7100 times more warming potential per volume than CO2 (Science). Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), the CFC substitutes, have a slightly smaller warming potential at 1200-1600 times larger per volume than CO2 (Science). 

And so, as one might infer, studies are showing that additions of GHGs may cause the earth to get warmer than it naturally would. This is what is referred to as anthropogenic (human-caused) global warming. Many times, the terms global warming and climate change are used interchangeably. (We will do the same, for continuity's sake.) But, this is not correct and the concepts are different. Climate change includes precipitation, wind patterns, and temperature. It also refers to the whole climate, not just weather conditions of one place. Global warming is an indication of climate change. It is an example of a climate change that has the atmosphere's average temperature increase. Earth has experienced much warming and much cooling throughout its history. There is a great deal of debate as to whether or not the earth is experiencing a globally warming climate change and, if it is, whether the underlying causes are man-made or natural. Different research has given different results. 

However, even when greenhouse gases were arguably at a stable level, before the onset of the Industrial Revolution, Earth's climate tended to fluctuate widely. A period from 5,000 to 3,000 BC (when civilization began) is called the Climatic Optimum and another period from 900 - 1200 AD is called the Little Climatic Optimum or the Medieval Climatic Optimum, both so named for their unusually warm temperatures. Likewise, a period from 1550 to 1850 is known as the Little Ice Age for its unusually cold temperatures (Pidwirny). At this time, glaciers in southern Norway reached their greatest extent in 9000 years (Keigwin). With such large variations possible, it is difficult to know where the next natural fluctuation could take us. Perhaps those who find that global climate is warming are simply measuring a natural fluctuation. Or perhaps a natural fluctuation is masking the real effect of GHGs on the globe. 

Global Warming: Big Questions, Big Research

  There is a great debate over whether or not humans are causing global warming. Some activists and researchers have resorted to name-calling or accusing the opposing side of having "sold out" to one special interest or another. As mentioned previously, we have attempted to cut away the personal attacks between the opposing sides, search for the kernel of truth (or logic, where truth cannot be discerned), and get down to the heart of the matter. 

In order to properly read any of the reports or research on global climate change, one must keep in mind that nothing (or almost nothing) is certain. Everything has a certain degree of uncertainty, a certain flavor of the unknown. There really is no conclusive evidence of global warming, and many scientists in favor of the global warming hypothesis say that it will be a decade or more before it is possible to develop any substantial evidence. As an anonymous senior climate modeler has said about global warming, "The more you learn, the more you understand that you don't understand very much". Global climate is by nature always fluctuating, and that only adds to the confusion about anthropogenic global warming. If there were an anthropogenic global warming, we couldn't be sure what temperature we were supposed to be at, as climate shifts are a natural part of life on Earth. Compounding that confusion is natural variability, which is always working to confuse researchers just as they come close to attributing a perceived change in average temperature to some external factor, such as atmospheric composition (GHGs) or solar variation. One reason for this variability is the long adjustment time of the oceans' heat storage and current systems. It is estimated to take several hundred years for water to circulate from the deepest portions of the oceans back to the surface. This means that if, for example, a pool of extra cold water is singled out and stored in the depths by some freak mechanism, it could stay there a century or two before resurfacing and producing a local, cool climate change .

 Since no one can create another Earth (let alone one that behaves exactly like ours) and perform atmosphere-altering experiments on it, we are left with the alternative of theorizing based on observations. In other words, the only way we can purport to know anything about what might be changing in our climate is by playing with data, such as records of temperature, borehole measurements, etc., and seeing what scenarios the data will agree with. 

Most of the body of global warming theory is based on computerized climate models called global circulation models or GCMs, for they are almost the only tools global warming researchers have. GCMs are difficult to make as making them properly involves a deep-rooted understanding of the way the atmosphere works and how its actions are interconnected with other planetary bodies, such as the oceans or the terrestrial biosphere. But our understanding of the inner workings of the atmosphere and the ways it relates to other planetary bodies is not very good.

GCMs are made by formulating mathematical descriptions of the interrelationships between the atmosphere/ocean/biosphere/cryosphere system and conducting numerical experiments. They certainly are unable to form a mathematical description based on the kind of interconnections, or feedbacks, that the butterfly effect would suggest. Indeed, "in the climate system, there are 14 orders of magnitude, from the planetary scale--which is 40 million meters--down to the scale of one of the little aerosol particles on which water vapor can change phase to a liquid [cloud particle]--which is a fraction of a millionth of a millimeter." Of these 14 orders of magnitude, only the two largest (the planetary scale and the scale of weather disturbances) can currently be included in models. to include the third order of magnitude (the scale of thunderstorms, at about 50 km resolution) a computer a thousand times faster would be necessary, "a teraflops machine that maybe we'll have in 5 years." Including all orders of magnitude would require 1036-1037 times more computing power .

Lately, a model has been designed and tested at the National Center for Atmospheric Research to eliminate the flux corrections. This model better incorporates the effects of ocean eddies, not by shrinking the scale, but by parameterization, passing the effects of these invisible eddies onto larger model scales using a more realistic means of mixing hear through the ocean that any earlier model did. This model doesn't drift off into chaos even after 300 years of running. This model gives a 2oC rise in temperature due to a CO2 doubling. (Some of the more popular GCMs assume that the concentration of CO2 will double in 70 years or quadruple in 140 years and use the assumption to try to predict what the climate will be like in decades or even centuries based on that doubling or quadrupling.) This figure is on the low side of estimates and puts the model's sensitivity to greenhouse gases near the low end of current model estimates . 

GCMs are very sensitive to the representations of the effects of clouds and oceans, as their effects are complex and not understood well. While some GCMs are being specially made to simulate water behavior in clouds, limited vertical resolution (i.e., they don't go up far enough) and coarse horizontal resolution (i.e., the cloud activity of large areas of the Earth is averaged together and this average is used for the entire area) prevent even these models from accurately covering thin clouds and some cloud formation processes. Most early simulations were run with fixed cloud distributions based on observed cloud cover data, but these fixed levels didn't allow any feedback between cloud distributions and changing atmospheric/oceanic temperatures and motions. Problems in cloud feedback are seen as the Achilles heel of GCMs. Likewise, ocean representations were initially crude; in some early models, a swamp (stagnant, heat-absorbing, heat and water vapor-releasing body of water) was used as the oceanic model. Later models had a 50 meter thick slab of ocean that allowed summertime heat storage and wintertime heat release. While not including ocean currents (caused by the movement of heat to colder areas of ocean), these models attempted to represent seasonal responses to temperature in the upper ocean, but the lack of currents resulted in tropical oceans being too hot and polar regions too cold. Even today's most sophisticated, computationally-intense climate models are still just numerically experimental approximations of the exceedingly complex atmosphere/ocean/biosphere/cryosphere system. And yet, these GCMs are the basis of global warming theory, if for no other reason than the near-impossibility of conducting physical experiments at the global level (Cotton & Pielke). 

Even while the satellites may need adjustments in their data for changes in orbit, this data is still more accurate than surface data. Satellites do not have anything in their surroundings to skew the data. On the other hand, many sources of error exist here on Earth. Things as seemingly minuscule as variation in the color and type of paint used for the instrument shelters can skew data slightly, for different types and colors of paint absorb small but differing amounts of solar radiation. As another example, the urban heat island effect is known to make cities warmer at night and milder during the day.  If this bias exists in the global climate data set, its use to represent a wider geographic record for climate change studies will be misleading. 

Another largely-ignored factor affecting temperature data is solar variation, or periodic changes in the brightness of the sun based on sunspots and the like. Some climate modelers say that the Sun only varies with an 11-year cycle, and this period is too fast for the climate system to respond to.  But  poorly measured, anthropogenic forcings, especally changes of atmospheric aerosols, clouds, and other land-use patterns, cause a negative forcing that tends to offset greenhouse warming. One consequence of this partial balance is that the natural forcing due to solar irradiance changes may play a larger role in long-term climate change than inferred from GHGs alone". 

Effects of Global Warming on Our Everyday Lives

Another area where uncertainty rears its head is in the realm of the "real life" effects of global warming. The possible effects of global warming have been played out in the media: hurricanes, plagues, a great increase in sea level, etc. Some scientists refute these claims. But, again, since the climate models can tell us little with much certainty, we can not know for certain if a global warming would have these effects or not. 

Some researchers claim that global warming will lead to an increase in violent storms such as hurricanes and typhoons. But,  warming should actually lead to a reduction in these storms as the equator-to-pole temperature differences diminish, for it is this atmospheric temperature heterogeneity that drives storms and makes them strong. 

Some,  do say that warming could cause the mosquito carrying dengue fever and yellow fever to migrate northward, causing epidemics.Cholera (which is known to live in sea-borne plankton),  could become epidemic in America as changes in marine ecology favor the growth and transmission of the pathogen. Another group of researchers, went a step further and blamed an El Niño warming of the Pacific at least partially for a 1991 Latin American cholera epidemic affecting 500,000 and killing almost 5,000. But cholera is known to spread from humans to other humans through food, water, and feces; this is why cholera epidemics appear when public health and sanitation break down. CDC medical epidemiologist Fred Angulo stated that "We had a powder keg ready to explode, an entire continent in which the sanitation and public water supplies and everything was primed for transmission of this organism once it was introduced," possibly by ships emptying bilge water near fishing areas. He adds that cholera has been introduced into the US several times in the past few years; it didn't spread "because we have a public health and sanitation infrastructure that prevents it." 

As for the mosquito-borne diseases,   the predictions suffer from many levels of uncertainty. No one disputes that weather patterns have an impact: "There's reason to believe that if it's an extremely rainy spring, summer mosquito populations will increase," but  no one knows just how patterns of temperature and rainfall will change in a warmer world, or how these changes will affect the biology of diseases. Paul Epstein has attributed Latin American dengue epidemics in 1994 and 1995 to El Niño and global warming, but experts on dengue at the Pan American Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say these epidemics resulted from a breakdown in programs to eradicate the specific species of mosquito responsible and its subsequent return. The epidemics once caused by mosquitoes in the US have vanished due to mosquito control, eradication programs, piped-water systems, and lifestyle changes ( good housing, air conditioning, and television to keep us inside, and screens to keep the mosquitoes outside).

Other areas of life global warming has an effect upon are those affected by attempts to stop global warming. Some people suggest that small changes, such as using high-efficiency compact fluorescent lights, using self-powered or public transportation more often, etc., could make a big impact on the global warming problem (assuming it exists). This would go along with the idea expressed by some scientists that the only actions that should be taken until there is more certainty are those that would (or should) be taken anyway . But will people do these things if they don't have to? Some other scientists are more pessimistic. 

Let's assume for a moment that there is a global warming occurring. If this is anthropogenic global warming and it will have a negative impact on climate and life, then we must take action. If this is not anthropogenic global warming and warming will have a negative effect on climate and life, nothing can be done. If there is no anthropogenic global warming and the warming will not have a negative effect on climate and life, nothing need be done. Likewise, if humans have caused the global warming but it will not have a negative impact on climate and life, no action is necessary. 

But there is one other dimension to choosing what to do: assuming that anthropogenic global warming is occurring and it will negatively impact climate and life, one must weigh the costs and benefits of maintaining that risk against the costs and benefits of action.

Fact and Fiction:

FICTION: Even if the Earth is warming, we can’t be sure how much, if any, of the warming is caused by human activities.

FACT: There is international scientific consensus that most of the warming over the last 50 years is due to human activities, not natural causes. Over millions of years, animals and plants lived, died and were compressed to form huge deposits of oil, gas and coal. In little more than 300 years, however, we have burned a large amount of this storehouse of carbon to supply energy.

Today, the by-products of fossil fuel use – billions of tons of carbon (in the form of carbon dioxide), methane, and other greenhouse gases – form a blanket around the Earth, trapping heat from the sun, unnaturally raising temperatures on the ground, and steadily changing our climate.

The impacts associated with this deceptively small change in temperature are evident in all corners of the globe. There is heavier rainfall in some areas, and droughts in others. Glaciers are melting, Spring is arriving earlier, oceans are warming, and coral reefs are dying.

FICTION: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts an increase in the global average temperature of only 1.4°C to 5.8°C over the coming century.
This small change, less than the current daily temperature range for most major cities, is hardly cause for concern.

FACT: Global average temperature is calculated from temperature readings around the Earth. While temperature does vary considerably at a daily level in any one place, global average temperature is remarkably constant. According to analyses of ice cores, tree rings, pollen and other “climate proxies,” the average temperature of the Northern Hemisphere had varied up or down by only a few tenths of a degree Celsius between 1000 AD and about 1900, when a rapid warming began.

A global average temperature change ranging from 1.4°C to 5.8°C would translate into climate-related impacts that are much larger and faster than any that have occurred during the 10 000-year history of civilization.

From scientific analyses of past ages, we know that even small global average temperature changes can lead to large climate shifts. For example, the average global temperature difference between the end of the last ice age (when much of the Northern Hemisphere was buried under thousands of feet of ice) and today’s interglacial climate is only about 5°C .

FICTION: Warming cannot be due to greenhouse gases, since changes in temperature and changes in greenhouse gas emissions over the past century did not occur simultaneously.

FACT: The slow heating of the oceans creates a significant time lag between when carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are emitted into the atmosphere and when changes in temperature occur.

This is one of the main reasons why we don’t see changes in temperature at the same time as changes in greenhouse gas emissions. You can see the same process occur in miniature when you heat up a pot of water on the stove: there is a time lag between the time you turn on the flame and when the water starts to boil.

In addition, there are many other factors that affect year-to-year variation in the Earth’s temperature. For example, volcanic eruptions, El Niсo, and small changes in the output of the sun can all affect the global climate on a yearly basis.
Therefore, you would not expect the build-up of greenhouse gases to exactly match trends in global climate. Still, scientific evidence points clearly to anthropogenic (or human-made) greenhouse gases as the main culprit for climate change.

FICTION: Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere fairly quickly, so if global warming turns out to be a problem, we can wait to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions until after we start to see the impacts of warming.

FACT: Carbon dioxide, a gas created by the burning of fossil fuels (like gasoline and coal), is the most important human-made greenhouse gas.
Carbon dioxide from fossil fuel use is produced in huge quantities and can persist in our atmosphere for as long as 200 years.

This means that if emissions of carbon dioxide were halted today, it would take centuries for the amount of carbon dioxide now in the atmosphere to come down to what it was in pre-industrial times. Thus we need to act now if we want to avoid the increasingly dangerous consequences of climate change in the future.

FICTION: Human activities contribute only a small fraction of carbon dioxide emissions, an amount too small to have a significant effect on climate, particularly since the oceans absorb most of the extra carbon dioxide emissions.

FACT: Before human activities began to dramatically increase carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from natural sources closely matched the amount that was stored or absorbed through natural processes.
For example, as forests grow, they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis; this carbon is then sequestered in wood, leaves, roots and soil. Some carbon is later released back to the atmosphere when leaves, roots and wood die and decay.

Carbon dioxide also cycles through the ocean Plankton living at the ocean’s surface absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. The plankton and animals that eat the plankton then die and fall to the bottom of the ocean. As they decay, carbon dioxide is released into the water and returns to the surface via ocean currents. As a result of these natural cycles, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air had changed very little for 10,000 years. But that balance has been upset by man.

Since the Industrial Revolution, the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil has put about twice as much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than is naturally removed by the oceans and forests. This has resulted in carbon dioxide levels building up in the atmosphere.

Today, carbon dioxide levels are 30% higher than pre-industrial levels, higher than they have been in the last 420,000 years and are probably at the highest levels in the past 20 million years. Studies of the Earth’s climate history have shown that even small, natural changes in carbon dioxide levels were generally accompanied by significant shifts in the global average temperature.

We have already experienced a 1°F increase in global temperature in the past century, and we can expect significant warming in the next century if we fail to act to decrease greenhouse gas emissions.

FICTION: The Earth has warmed rapidly in the past without dire consequences, so society and ecosystems can adapt readily to any foreseeable warming.

FACT: The Earth experienced rapid warming in some places at the end of the last glacial period, but for the last 10,000 years our global climate has been relatively stable. During this period, as agriculture and civilization developed, the world’s population has grown tremendously. Now, many heavily populated areas, such as urban centers in low-lying coastal zones, are highly vulnerable to climate shifts.

In addition, many ecosystems and species that are already threatened by existing pressures (such as pollution, habitat conversion and degradation) may be further pressured to the point of extinction by a changing climate.

FICTION: The buildup of carbon dioxide will lead to a “greening” of the Earth because plants can utilize the extra carbon dioxide to speed their growth.

FACT: Carbon dioxide has been shown to act as a fertilizer for some plant species under some conditions. In addition, a longer growing season (due to warmer temperatures) could increase productivity in some regions.

However, there is also evidence that plants can acclimatize to higher carbon dioxide levels – that means plants may grow faster for only a short time before returning to previous levels of growth.

Another problem is that many of the studies in which plant growth increased due to carbon dioxide fertilization were done in greenhouses where other nutrients, which plants need to survive, were adequately supplied.

In nature, plant nutrients like nitrogen as well as water are often in short supply. Thus, even if plants have extra carbon dioxide available, their growth might be limited by a lack of water and nutrients. Finally, climate change itself could lead to decreased plant growth in many areas because of increased drought, flooding and heat waves.

Whatever benefit carbon dioxide fertilization may bring, it is unlikely to be anywhere near enough to counteract the adverse impacts of a rapidly changing climate.

FICTION: If Earth has warmed since pre-industrial times, it is because the intensity of the sun has increased.

FACT: The sun’s intensity does vary. In the late 1970’s, sophisticated technology was developed that can directly measure the sun’s intensity. Measurements from these instruments show that in the past 20 years the sun’s variations have been very small.

Indirect measures of changes in sun’s intensity since the beginning of the industrial revolution in 1750 show that variations in the sun’s intensity do not account for all the warming that occurred in the 20th century and that the majority of the warming was caused by an increase in human-made greenhouse gas emissions.

FICTION: It is hard enough to predict the weather a few days in advance. How can we have any confidence in projections of climate a hundred years from now?

FACT: Climate and weather are different. Weather refers to temperatures, precipitation and storms on a given day at a particular place. Climate reflects a long-term average, sometimes over a very large area, such as a continent or even the entire Earth.

Averages over large areas and periods of time are easier to estimate than the specific characteristics of weather.
For example, although it is notoriously difficult to predict if it will rain or the exact temperature of any particular day at a specific location, we can predict with relative certainty that on average, in the Northeastern United States, it will be colder in December than in July.

In addition, climate models are now sophisticated enough to be able to recreate past climates, including climate change over the last hundred years. This adds to our confidence that projections of future climates are accurate.

Finally, when we report climate projections, we use a range of results from climate models that represent the boundaries of our projections (what’s the least global average temperature could change to what’s the most global average temperature could change) and our degree of certainty of the projections.

FICTION: The science of global climate change cannot tell us the amount by which man-made emissions of greenhouse gases should be reduced in order to slow global warming.

FACT: The U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change states that emissions of greenhouse gases should be reduced to avoid “dangerous interference with the climate system.” Scientists have subsequently attempted to define what constitutes “dangerous interference.”
One study (O’Neill and Oppenheimer, 2002) supplies three criteria that could be used:

1) risk to threatened ecosystems such as coral reefs

2) large-scale disruptions caused by changes in the climate system, such as sea-level rise caused by the break-up of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and

3) large-scale disruptions of the climate system itself, such as the shutdown of the thermohaline circulation of the Atlantic Ocean (the Gulf stream), which would result in a severe drop in temperature to Europe.

This study projects that if C02 concentrations are capped at 450 parts per million (ppm), major disruptions to climate systems may be avoided, although some damage (such as that to coral reefs) may be unavoidable.

Current estimates of atmospheric CO2 concentrations likely to be reached without aggressive action to limit greenhouse gas emissions are far higher – from 550 ppm to as much as 1000 ppm in the next hundred years.

FICTION: Because of the uncertainty of climate models, it is extremely difficult to predict exactly what regional impacts will result from global climate change.

FACT: According to the IPCC, certain climate trends are highly likely to occur if greenhouse gas emissions continue at their current rate or increase: sea level will rise; droughts will increase in some areas, flooding in others; temperatures will rise, leading to heat waves becoming more common and glaciers likely to melt at a more rapid rate.

Regional impacts are very likely to occur, but exactly when and what they will be is harder to predict.

This is because:

1) regional climate models are more computer intensive than global climate models – they take longer to run and are more difficult to calibrate, and

2) many non-climate factors contribute to impacts at regional levels. For example, the risk of mosquito-borne illnesses like Dengue fever and malaria may rise due to increased temperatures, but the actual likelihood of infection will depend greatly on the effectiveness of public health measures in place.

A Better World Climate: How Do We Get There From Here?

As has been stated previously, there are a great many unanswered questions about global warming. We wonder whether or not there really is an anthropogenic global warming or the threat of one because we don't have the perfect climate model to tell us so. And we don't have this model because we don't understand what is going on; we don't understand how the atmospheric system interacts with the oceans, the terrestrial biosphere, the cryosphere, or any of its other contributing factors. Therefore, the research that should be first and foremost in our minds is that to better understand the rich interrelationships between these bodies as well as the various features of each that may not be well understood. The effect of clouds, for example, on warming and vice versa are not understood very well. Do they simply cool by reflecting heat back to space, or is their role more complex than that? What effect does each shape and size of cloud have? What outside factors have an effect upon cloud formation? And, most importantly, how can we best relate these effects into GCMs? 

Likewise, aerosols are in need of study. Do they simply cause cooling by reflecting solar radiation back out into space, or, as one researcher stated, is that effect canceled out by heating through reflection of terrestrial radiation back to earth and give their real cooling effect by fortifying clouds with water droplets, giving them a higher albedo? 

Are variations in solar radiation and sunspot cycles behind part or all of the perceived global warming? Could there be changes in the sun's energy output that would cause warming such as some have observed? 

How does the tropical ocean interact with global atmospheric circulation, given that tropical cyclones (hurricanes) form there? Are there any special processes at work there that would affect the global warming theory? Likewise, how do the atmosphere, the ocean, and sea ice interact at high latitudes? 

What, exactly, is the terrestrial biosphere's place in the carbon cycle? How much CO2 does different types of vegetation, soil, or rock absorb? If CO2 is shown to be a substantial problem, would there be any way to make parts of the terrestrial biosphere take on more CO2? What effect would that have on the various ecosystems involved? 

And on and on the potential questions go. As can be seen above, there are a lot of different directions global warming research can go in and is going in. All of these would be helpful in trying to better determine the climatic direction we as a planet are headed in. But there is one other dimension to this attempt to better understand global warming: the modeling. Currently, even the most sophisticated and encompassing of the GCMs is incredibly crude and oversimplified compared to the actual atmospheric system and its feedbacks. And so, given new findings in research related to above topics and others, we must continue to update the models. We must keep working on the models, improving them, until flux corrections or "fudge factors," as they are called, are unnecessary to make them properly predict today's conditions. As computer technologies continually become smaller and faster and more capable of complex systems, we must keep shrinking the scale of the models and bringing in more variables to account for or better, more detailed understanding of the existing variables. To have a perfect model, every variable, every ocean eddy and sulfate particle would have to be accounted for. While this is improbable as a state of modeling, we can continue to try to better explain what is going on and how things are connected and interrelated by bringing bigger and better understandings of atmospheric intricacies to the modeling table. 
Concluding statements:
Unfortunately for these global climate change researchers, the computer industry is not moving nearly fast enough for this research. In many ways, climatologists are waiting on the computer industry to build more powerful supercomputers so they can make more complex models to take advantage of that computing power. And yet, there is at least a small advantage to waiting: many valuable studies being conducted with innovative, legitimate methods simply haven't been collecting data long enough to be as useful as possible. Satellite data is a good example of this. If we wait, the data will be better.
And so, we can see that the science behind global warming is far from settled. Much is not known and conflicting theories abound, as they often do in scientific forums. New ideas and new studies keep the science of global climate change going, keep it second guessing itself, keep it looking for newer, better ways to explain what's going on. In the end, global climate change may be a way for science to prove it can work well even under the most uncertain of circumstances.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Magic Water

In recent days a new claim by Agha Waqar Ahmad for his 'Water car ' was made . newscasters and anchors feted it ,politician rode on it and it was discussed in cabinet also. some conspiratorical bent also suggested to provide security for Mr. Agha Waqar as there is 'threat ' that any one can steal the idea of 'Water car'.
The claim by Agha Waqar that his invention could free the world from the tyranny of fossil fuels dependence and could raise the image of Pakistan around the globe is true or just an imagination? Dr. Attaurahman , former HEC chairman has shown his  remarks over this issue . He says that Agha Waqar is not even published any of his work, if done, not he has patent his invention. According to former HEC chairman this car don't produce the energy equal to the energy consumed.
Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan Famous Pakistani Atomic scientist , on the other hand backed the invention and said that it is not an impossible invention and should be supported.
Agha Waqar says using his Moter Kit Pakistan could energy crises could be controlled, poverty could be eliminated and many other claims.
But what can not be changed is the attitude of Pakistani society , how they have reacted on this issue and how the media created all this hype and creating stories without any background knowledge and research. Politician also jumped into the matter and took the car as a giant leap for the Pakistani Economy.
And what has not been done is the growth of economy through proper channel, control over energy crises, raising awareness on national issues, high quality education.Every one is just chasing the shortcuts.No real work is done.
Need of time is to work sincerely on national issues . govt should play its part whole heartily and sincerely and no shortcuts please. a lot of work could b done on Noble prize winner Pakistani scientist Dr. Abdus Salam which has been erased totally  from the history and has made a big question mark on the commitment of knowledge.

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Food Affairs |Goll Gappay | | pani puri |

Ingredients(For pani puri/Gol gappay):

  • plain flour(Maida)-------1 cup
  • Semolina(soojhi)--------1/4 cup
  • water ------------------to kneed the dough
  • salt --------------------a little
  • oil --------------------for frying


  1. Make  ata by mixing together 1 cup fine soojhi (semolina) with 1/4 cup plain flour (maida).do NOT make a stiff dough - make a semi soft dough with water.
  2.  Cover it with a moist cloth and let it rest for at least 15 mins... Spread some oil/ flour on the board or surface where you have to roll it.. and roll it thin.
  3.  So roll and cut with a cutter. Keep the cut out circles covered under a moist cloth. Semolina dries out quickly so be careful not to leave it open..  
  4.  Put one in, and let it rise a bit- instantly press it down lightly with a slotted spoon. Holding in uder the oil. Keep a light hand. As soon as it puffs up, it will 'push' ur spoon up... once its puffed let it swim to one side and let it get color.  


The oil must be HOT. A piece of bread thrown in must fry up instantly.. 
Here another tip - don't throw them all in at the same time.
If you put in more than one, u dont be able to hold them in equally, which wil give u unpuffed golos.. 
Keep the fried golos in a sieve. 

 Ingredients(for Imli chatni)

  • a cup of imili 
  • gurr or sugar 
  • cumin,(zeera)
  • red chili pepper
  1.  Soak a cup of imili in a little water, for a few hours. Get its pulp, sieve it. Cook it with some gurr or sugar or brown sugar, white cumin,(zeera), red chili pepper
  2.  Let it thicken to a nice thick sauce.. 
  3.  Mix a cup of this sauce with 1 and half litre water, some black salt and red chlie sauce. Check for taste - it shold be tangy, imli-ish a bit spicy a bit sweet but not too much..


Keep that water cold untill u need to eat.   
U can keep boiled potatoes, red chutney, boiled chickpeas as company... 

 So now make and enjoy :)


Child Marriage and Islam


  • Meaning and Expension
  • Origin of child marriage
Concept of child marriage in Islam:
Cultural influence:
conservative governments in Islamic countries:
  • Iran
  • Libia
  • Other countries
Child Marriage an un-Islamic culture:
  • wrongly described Hazrat Ayesha R.A 's marriage
  • Imam Abu Hanifa's point of view
Religion vs culture:
Final word concluding the statement:


Child is a boy or a girl who is not reaching his puberty age, so child marriage is actually the marrying of girl and a boy who both or one of them is not reaching their puberty age.Child marriage in different areas of the world is shaped as legal and in some countries it is declared as illegal and un Islamic.
There is nothing Islamic about chile marriage what all is quite un Islamic. Islam states marriage as a strong bond between man and woman and defines it as a covenant i-e a strong agreement between two. how can a child understand the demands and duties of being in relation rather a child could not even understand what covenant is. 
The origin of child marriage is totally cultural not Islamic.It is more influenced by the culture of different societies and then tried to merge in religion but the reasrch shows that child marriage is totally prohibited in Islam.
The recent  press released by Iranian Parliament 'Majlis' says that they regard the law that prohibits the girls under age 10 from being married off as un Islamic and illegal. In Iran more than 75% children were forced to marry with the man of older age this deemed very strange that how marrying the little children forcibly could be Islamic.In Iran After the Islamic revolution women started wearing 'Chadars' to show the soliderity with their Islamic Leaders but these women and their freedom was gradually snatched especially after the death of Ayatullah Khomeini who always believed in pursuation rather than coercion  . Post-Khomeini period tighten the liberty and freedom of women and conservative won.
Whenever conservatives win the most loss bearing community is women.
Likewise in Libia after the death of Gaddafi , conservative won and the first legislation they made was to lagislise the polygamy as their struggle was all about the lagislization of polygamy.
Coming back to the forced child marriages it is from no reason Quranic neither Islamic.Islamic values and norms are quite straight farward , there is nothing ambiguous in any rule and law as for as marriage issue is concerned Islam allows to marry a person when he/ she is reaching maturity level and got enough understanding and wiseness to coup with the problems which could rise in married life.Islam never bound the two people who are unable to understand the covenant of marriage.
It is described that Hazrat Ayesha R.A was married to Prophet PBUH when She was 7 years old and she was consummated when she was 9.
First thing is this Hadith is 300 years after the marriage of Hazrat Ayesha RA, secondly Islamic reasrcher have researched alot and found that it is false point of view and Ayesha RA was married to Prophet Muhammad PBUH at the age of 17 or 18 and She RA was consummated when She RA was 20 years old.

Imam Abu Hanifa permits the marriage of children reaching puberty or the age of understanding and if she/he is not willing for marriage could also reject the marriage and no guardian [mostly Father] is allowed to force the child to marry.
Culture is an important entity in making of any law. So , culture should be effected from religion not religion by culture.Thats is why most Islamic countries have made laws that only 18 and above 18 is the age of marriage and below this is illegle . Iranian Majlis should also consider this once again and chold marriage should b stopped.Women rights NGO's should also play their part in this regard.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

For The Sake of children

To see the priority of any country regarding health care , child mortality rate is best indication . There is an optimistic hope that government is now spending a reasonable amount of money and funds on child health  care and it is considered that child mortality rate is fallen by 27% but this is true only for developed countries. Under developing countries in Asia and Africa still need to pay more attention in this regard because an insufficient effort and progress is made in these countries. 
In Pakistan under-five mortality rate in the year 2005 was 99/1000 live births , and in the world it is 68/1000 . while a little progress is made to reduce mortality rate as compared to the past years but  country  need to show more attention towards this issue and need to do more to achieve the MDG mortality rate. 
the pursuit of achieving the goal of reducing under five mortality rate rises the question : what really determine the child mortality rate? what are the reasons for child mortality?
 Education, lack of proper infrastructure, low income, no health care facilities are the basic factors which can't be ignored regarding early child mortality rate. Reasons tell the key to solutions ! providing the health care infrastructure in the low income , less educated and poor families of both rural and urban areas is important. subsidies should b given on food prices so that the problem of hunger could be controlled.
Health care programs if any, are conducted , they should cover the area of poverty stricken , illiterate families who don't even have access to health care centers and whose children have all the cumulative risks associated with malnourishment.
education and awareness to teach the families the basic health care activities like vaccination etc is important, but it is unfortunate that there is a great dearth of female workers and teacher who could easily teach about the child mortality problem and their reason and  solutions.
Meanwhile the great example of developing countries like Bangladesh and Nepal could be set as an eye opener in this regard.