Sunday, April 8, 2018

Globalization And its Impacts on human life
“Globalization is an effort to wipe out barriers, especially in trade.
It is a process by which resources, goods; services and industry cross national borders, and obtains an international or global position. It include the integration of national economies, technologies , culture , governance even values across borders which help rebuild local cultural model and public relations. It also creates new chances for many peoples to double their wealth and improve their life standards. It shows how the world has “shrunk” and how people, goods and information can be moved easily around the world.
People in different parts of the world using Made in China Mobiles or driving Made in Japan cars etc this is all about globalization.
Social Impacts
·        Growing inequality and widening Income Gap between the Rich and Poor
·        Increased Awareness of Foreign Culture and Loss of Local Culture
Economic Impacts
·        Improvements in Standards of Living and increased Competitions among Nations
·        Investment and Market and increased exchange of goods and values
·        New regimes of regulation (WTO, NFTA, etc.)
·        Worldwide growth of market oriented societies and employment opportunities
Environmental Impacts
·        Improvements in the use of resources and awareness
·        Negative impact on the environment through global warming which is due to greenhouse gas discharge which is caused by a growth of industrialization in the developing world and by a heavy reliance on fossil fuels.
·        Globalization has assisted in improving the use of resources and saving the environment by promoting growth through development and improving education
Globalization is an irresistible reality. World has to experience it willingly or unwillingly. It has greatly affected human life whether it’s on social level cultural level or economic level positively as well as negatively.


2.Different types of Extremism.
3.Characteristics of religious Extremism. 
4.Characteristics of Talibinazation. 
5.Difference between fundamentalism and extremism.
    a.Fundamentalism, rigid but focused on self correction.
    b.Extremism, rigid and cohersive but focused at forcefully molding behavior 
       of others.
6.Roots of Extremism in Pakistani society.
      a.Soviet war in Afghanistan
      b.Rise of Kalashnikov & Drugs culture.
7.Proxy wars of other Muslim countries been fought in Pakistan.
       a.Factors that gave rise to Talibinazation in Pakistan.
o Certain areas in Pakistan unchecked by the government.
o Inefficiency of law and order agencies to reduce arms and animations in residential areas
o Governments unchecked the rise of Madarisa Culture. (no regulation)
o Lal Masjid Jamia Hafsa event. 
• Reasons of success of Extremism & Talibinazation in Pakistan
o Hopelessness and suppression in the Muslim world.
o Inability of the political system to deliver.
o People losing faith in current form of democracy prevalent in Pakistan.
o Deficiency of social justice.
o Poverty
o Illiteracy and un-education
o Different education systems in one country.
o Unemployment.
o Improper investment in social sector and lack of attention on human development.
• Consequences and impacts of extremism on our social and cultural situation.
o Deteriorating law and order situation and loosening of writ of the government.
o Extremism giving birth to terrorism
o Threat to internal stability
o Culture giving birth to intolerance
o Increase in sectarian violence
o Social distress
• Consequences of extremism on the economic environment of Pakistan.
o Flight of foreign investment due to environment not conducive for business.
o Contraction in economic activity due to violence, strikes and vandalism.
o Sole breadwinners of families killed in terrorist attacks. 
• Extremism and Talibinazation causing very bad name to Image of Pakistan in outside world.
• Is military operation a solution to extremism? 
o Partly yes – in short term.
o Partly not – in long term.
• What is needed at Government level?
o Formulation of policies to remove disparities at socioeconomic level.
o Investment in social sector.
o Government initiatives needed to uplift economic activities in backward and war trodden areas.
o Devise a mechanism for dialogue b/w different schools of thoughts in the religion
o Standardization of education & regulation Madarisas.
o Active role of law enforcement agencies for reduction of arms and ammunition.
• What is needed at private/ individual level?
o Family is the basic unit for inculcating the norms and values in an individual.
o Role of Ulema.
o Role of intellectuals
o Responsibility of the upper class and well off individuals toward the poor.           
 • Conclusion.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

WritingSkills: Gender inequity

WritingSkills: Gender inequity:   Gender inequality has been a part of Pakistan ever since its existence, and one of the main causes is the low literacy rate, another...

Gender inequity

 Gender inequality has been a part of Pakistan ever since its existence, and one of the main causes is the low literacy rate, another reason would be Pakistani culture that disallow women to stand on equal position with men. We are living in the world which is developing on a day-to-day base with innovative discovery being made at frequent periods. People have made some living standards. Regardless of all these advancements, the primal knowledge that men are superior to women has set in our social structure.

Gender discrimination‘s concept starts from the day one is born. Gender is the factor for deciding of a name, “girls” names or “boys” names. Gender tells what playthings they will buy, dolls if they are having a baby girl and trucks if baby boys. And the list goes on and on.

One can easily find a number of gender stereotypes at home, at job and in relations. The number of women doing jobs in Pakistan has just increased but the old concept among masses is that a female should reside at home and not go out to earn, because with women working side by side with  men there is the problems of sexual harassment. Mostly, sexual harassment happenings are “merely irritating”.

In other state of affairs harassment may result into momentary or extended tension and/or sadness depending on the women’s mental abilities to manage and the type of harassment, and the societal support or no support at all for the recipient. Psychologists and communal personnel say  that harsh/constant sexual annoyance can have the same psychological effects as rape or sexual physical attack sufferers.
 The saddest part of the whole story is that media has spread understanding of political and violence related issue to the people but the area of social issues has been ignored badly. It is now the job  of media to make people aware of public issues as well so that we come out as a cultured and educated nation. If we talk about west, there are rules and regulations to uphold the issue of women bullying which are followed making no compromises. In Pakistan we too have acts passed for this issue but rules are being ignored and we just have put them aside so it is very disgraceful state for us. The 33% representation of women in upper house is a hopeful but the women should not put their responsibilities connected to government only, they should also go on in work on the women civil liberties specially women rights.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Dating in Pakistan!

Dating and meeting up of girls and boys freely, is a multifaceted & newly rising idea in our beloved Pakistan . Pakistan mainly comprises of Muslim people from countryside areas & old school of conservatives are from middle class society. They all hate this new concept developing in our country. Some cities of Pakistan are having people who are liberal in their approach such as Lahore in Punjab & Karachi in Sindh. On the other side, in many parts of Pakistan like KPK & Baluchistan you will locate traditions which forbid this moderation.

Couple’s dating starts & flourishes in some specific places, like colleges & universities and public parks. Love blossoms while studying mutually & finally after some years the pair might deem marriage the customary way. This means that the boy's family lastly shows up at the girl's home for the marriage proposal. This ends up in engagement & finally tying knot of marriage. Albeit there is nothing obviously erroneous with this kind of marriage pact but our religion Islam does not let mixing of men & women for the intention of just romance. Many people go up against this growing liberalism. They claim that this incident arises from the Western culture. We as Muslims ought to not follow in the footprints of the western culture & customs. Even Indian media is liable to fairly some level for promoting this idea of dating and romance through their movies and even drama which depict love, dating & other such notions frequently. They leave a deep intuition on teenagers mind.

Dating through Cell Phone
Mobile dating is transforming the social prospect in Pakistan. Because not many social opportunities are accessible to the young age group, they are adopting dating through the Mobile Phones. Mobile Phone accessibility in Pakistan is gradually upward at one of the top rates in Asia & ‘Find your True love’ is proving simpler and easier. It’s now very common to see people holding Mobile Phones in the hand even small school going kids, parents, students, teachers, young boys & girls, without any discrimination in city & town of the country. Mobile telecom corporations are also advertising it as they are launching long hour cheaper talk time packages, SMS bundle offers, free calling late nighttime offers just for few rupees. These companies are not only introducing such cheaper packages but also advertising such concepts in commercials with young girls & boys dating, talking and calling late night in these commercials.
Dating has become a social phenomenon

Concept of Online dating
Internet access in Pakistan is also more and more rising at fastest rate like Mobile Phone addiction. It is acquiring fame because of mobility problems for girls in the country. Online dating has facilitated people to take a new twist where people have the total liberty to select & to fix dates online before a romantic meet. Internet café are also playing a very important part in it as they charge a very tiny amount for the use of Internet for hours.

In a nutshell, dating in a social context, is still intolerable & immoral in our society. Companionship, and amity is may be acceptable but within limits. Religion, culture, moral ethics, traditions & social setup of our country do not allow this norm to be flourished. The acceptable move toward a successful relationship would be when the parents of both the boy & the girl are concerned and totally involved in decision making for the future of their children.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Turkish drama in Pakistan – cultural change!

Turkish plays have quickly turn out to be so admired and well liked in such a short period of time in Pakistan that everybody is discussing them. All credit and praise does go to the Turkish drama producers & performers. Their dramas’ script, practicality, acting, visual and sound effects and graphics are becoming more rapid which is too, creditable for the huge praise. This is the main cause why these Turkish dramas such as; Manahil Aur Khalil, Ishq-e-Mamnoon, FatmaGul, have gained the public attention & have been one of the much conversed about topic  on the social media.

The inclination of outside and foreigner plays initiated  by Urdu1 channel, at first provided me a soothe that some of Pakistanis would leave their enthusiasm for Indian dramas which are completely impractical, civilization , cultures and religion upholding dramas. I was delighted that Pakistani audience has at last said ‘bye bye to Indian Long and never ending soap type dramas. As in India, they’ve a silent forbid on Pakistani channels, plays, etc. I’ve observed a portion of a Turkish drama. Turkish plays are in opposition to the philosophy & principles of Islam. e.g the use of alcohol openly and in family, drinking, improper dressing, sanity, drugs, etc, are totally against Islamic teachings & culture. Channels are just enhancing such actions. I also apprehended various of Pakistani dramas don’t signify our culture, Islamic standards.

fresh development in media has destroyed  the position of Pakistani dramas. The producers & actors are required to lift up the standard of Pakistani dramas. If they deny doing it, Pakistani drama business would see the same stage that Pakistani Film production is facing.
I only can hope Pakistani drama industry would rise once again and I wish them good luck too. I also suppose Turkish amusement and entertainment industry provide  us a broader viewpoint on world.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Shifting from Non- renewable Energy sources to Renewable Energy sources

The Earth is observing a severe power disaster. I'm fully informed that there is a limited quantity of fuel to satisfy our energy burden, and if we keep on moving like this, all the fuel storage of the world will be expired within coming 200 years.
this clearly shows that we should reduce our utilization of non-renewable means of energy, as like fossil fuels, in order to hoard for the upcoming generations. But we’re escalating the usage in its place, and this is a disturbing state of affairs.
There are two significant kinds of energy ; one is renewable and other is non-renewable. Renewable of energy are those which are given by nature in limitless amount, and they won’t be exhausted anytime shortly- similar to wind and solar energy. Whereas on the other part, there are a number of energy called non-renewable. As the name depicts, they cannot be utilized once they’re used, and they’re exhausted time to time. Examples of such re which are widespread are oil, gas and coal.
Question which arises here is how can we switch from non-renewable to renewable?
We can’t actually run our motor vehicles on renewable energy up till now, however the next major reason of reduction of non-renewable re is owing to electrical energy production. We all require electricity for the whole lot we do (really, try to recall how life could be without electricity- we can go by a day or two without it, but envision months or a year with no electrical energy!). That’s where we know how to take a substitute. Every second energy generation may be receiving energy from the much large source of daylight and heat, the sun- or by means of wind to use wind turbines, which in turn engender electrical energy.
By adopting solar or wind power production way out on a broader level would be an extensive term scheme, so it is our responsibility to reduce our own carbon trails by applying one of these useful power generating sources .
Would it be enough to power a whole domestic use forever?
In a state like ours, we’re really sanctified with sunshine nearly all year, which shows that this solar power can be consumed well. A one-time venture on Solar Cells (for domestic use) can assist reduce your usual electrical energy bills partially- or eradicate it totally (if you direct to decrease your energy necessities as well).
The majority of the people in overseas are switching to renewable energy means for their domestic requirements to reduce their carbon trace. It’s inspiring how people have fitted small wind turbines in their dwellings which perform job efficient enough to generate a good amount of electrical energy.
There’s sufficient potential for electrical energy production using Wind Power in Pakistan. Anyhow, One day, we as a nation will also understand the requirement for saving the re of natural world, and employ those re that are available with good grace. On that day, we will switch to green of power generation to save the surroundings for an improved and enhanced future.